I would like to thank everyone who voted for me in the Herts24 Web Awards. I have reached the final five. The shortlisted websites will be graded by a panel of judges and the overall winners will be announced at an online awards ceremony hosted by the virtual newsreader Miranda Fox. The awards ceremony will be available to view on the Herts24 Web Awards website from 12pm on March 30, 2007 onwards. Thank you again.
web awards
Voting for the Herts24 Web Awards
I have been nominated and accepted for the Herts24 Web Awards. 🙂 This is going to be a great opportunity for me to be seen by as many people as possible, and maybe one day when buying donuts someone might recognise me. 🙂
If you would like to vote for me then click on the link below, for voting you could win yourself a pair of virgin balloon tickets or a website in a wallet. I wouldn’t mind winning a balloon ride, I’ve never been in a hot air balloon. Vote today and make a pint-sized teddy bear very happy.