I’ve had a hectic year travelling with Craig, Teresa and Isabel. We have been to Paris, New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Lake Tahoe this year. I have come back to Tahoe for the winter season. I have found a really nice warm fireplace to sit next too, although some have said that I am a polar bear and should be happy to spend my winter outside in the snow. I would love to go and play out in the snow, but there has been no snow in Tahoe this December. Last year, they had 15 inches of snow and if I went outside I would disappear in the snow.
polar bear
I was given the boxset for the tv series Lost for Christmas. I started watching it, and noticed that whilst the discs normally show pictures of the characters on them, the second disc for the second season had a picture of a teddy bear on it. I guess this was a missing character from the series whose story ended up on the cutting room floor, so we never got to see how they survived on the island against the polar bears.